Alex Leung of CHFT analyses Borrett Road enbloc sale
21 Borrett Road selling to Singapore-based Sino Suisse
長江實業以207.66億港元將半山波老道21號豪宅項目的未賣出部份售予新加坡華瑞資本 (Sino Suisse)。金額將分期支付,最後一期日為2025年3月。
華坊的產業測量師梁沛泓向 Mingtiandi 提供評論和分析: 按每套公寓僅連一個車位計算,今次出售作價為每方英呎實用面積62,000港元,相對之前已賣出的公寓 (包括已簽約的) 均價每方呎 83,438港元。之前已賣出的包括高座頂層全部特式單位和其他較多高樓層單位。未售出的 148 套公寓與未售的車位比率為 1.58,鑑於項目屬超豪宅,如果這些單位將來要分層出售,這低的私家車車位比例會影響銷售。
CK Asset sells its unsold (and contracted to sell) units at 21 Borrett Road, Mid-levels to Sino Suisee at HK$20.766b. The consideration will be paid by stages with the last payment in March 2025.
Our Senior Director Alex Leung provides comments and analysis to Mingtiandi. The average unit price of the sold and contracted units was around $83,438 psf (Vs $62,000 psf in the enbloc sale), both on the basis of only 1 car park per flat. The sold units comprise all special units on the top floor and mostly high-floor units in the taller block. The flat to car parking space ratio of the unsold 148 residential units is 1.58, which is rather low if the flats are for strata-title sale in view of the high-class and flat sizes of the development.
CK Asset Announcement (長實公告) -
Mingtiandi (明天地) -