山頂文輝道住宅地將分拆為兩部分出售,位於文輝道西邊的第 2, 4, 6及8號將會於下一季推出,地盤面積約13.5平方呎,約佔原先地皮的七成面積。華坊諮詢估計山頂拆細先售的地皮可售 112至124 億。
A luxury residential plot at the Peak which the government failed to sell two years ago has been included in the administration's land-sale programme for the October-to-December quarter. This time, the residential site on Mansfield Road at the Peak will be divided into two parcels for disposal. Our Alex Leung said it will help to reduce the risk of bid failure and can attract more developers to bid. However, the land price is hard to set a new high.
CHFT Advisory & Appraisal values the site at about HK$11.2 billion to HK$12.4 billion, or about HK$39,000 to HK$43,000 per buildable sq ft.
山顶文辉道住宅地将分拆为两部分出售,位于文辉道西边的第 2, 4, 6及8号将会于下一季推出,地盘面积约13.5平方呎,约占原先地皮的七成面积。华坊咨询估计山顶拆细先售的地皮可售 112至124 亿。