大埔公路大埔滘段的住宅地 (大埔市地段 241號) 10月23日截標,只吸引約8間發展商參與競投,包括地盤中間村屋的業主。
Only 8 bids were received by the government today for a low-density residential land (TPTL 241). Whilst a substantial portion of the land is designated as non-building area, a private village type house is also erected in the middle part of the land. These site configurations put difficulties on the proposed development. One of the bidders is the owner of that village house.
大埔公路大埔滘段的住宅地 (大埔市地段 241号) 10月23日截标,只吸引约8间发展商参与竞投,包括地盘中间村屋的业主。
Read more articles:
Singtao: https://bit.ly/2HjrJM1
HKET: https://bit.ly/35rg5GB
Metro Radio: https://bit.ly/3ktXIaE
Mingpao: https://bit.ly/3olZOeI
Wenweipo: https://bit.ly/3ofdvfL