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啟德第4E區1號住宅地明日(11月27日)截標, 地盤位於跑道區近停機坪,鄰近將來的都會公園, 面向九龍灣。華坊諮詢估計樓面地價每平方呎1.0萬至1.1萬元

The smallest Kai Tak residential site on former airport runway is closing today. Its scale is only one third to half of the scales of other residential projects on the runway.

In the policy address press conference, it was mentioned that the construction plan of the Kai Tak monorail should be cancelled. Instead, this will be replaced by implementation of a multi-modal Environmentally Friendly Linkage System for the development of a travellators network in the district, a GreenWay network for shared use by pedestrians and cyclists, and an elevated landscape deck to connect the Kwun Tong MTR Station to ease congestion on the platform.

Due to recent robust sales, it is expected to attract also medium-sized developers to participate in the bidding. And the number of bids expected by CHFT exactly matches the bids received by the government.




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