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全球最具價值足球球會誰屬? 評估球會價值時,較為重要的幾個因素包括品牌、球員陣容和賽事轉播權的收入分成。

Forbes have published a list of the world’s 50 most valuable sports teams of 2020, and it may come as a surprise to hear that only seven football clubs are listed. But it won’t come as shock to hear that Real Madrid are the world’s most valuable football club. Real Madrid (Football) Value: $4.24 billion. Our Stella Law shared in her column about the valuation of a football club.


全球最具价值足球球会谁属? 评估球会价值时,较为重要的几个因素包括品牌、球员阵容和赛事转播权的收入分成。


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