CHFT Alex Leung comments govt land at Area 24, Kwu Tung
受惠未來古洞站 24區地價料達7600元/呎
華坊諮詢評估資深董事梁沛泓表示,古洞第24區地皮優勢與新地的第25區地皮相若。鑑於古洞鄰近內地,將來享有鐵路優勢,發展商十分看好該區的發展前景。梁指出新地於4月以86.14億元投第25區得地皮,而第二、三標的出價亦十分高; 另一幅永泰奪得的粉錦公路地皮亦以每呎樓面地價逾9,200元成交,會拉高24區地皮的地價,故將地皮估值提高至約7,600元左右。
The tender invitation for Fanling Sheung Shui Town Lot No. 278 at Area 24, Kwu Tung, New Territories, with 82,000 sq.ft and max GFA 492,126 sq.ft will be close on tomorrow (July 23.) Alex Leung , senior director of CHFT, estimated the land valuation at HK$7,600 per sq. ft.
He estimated the valuation would be benefited from Kwu Tung MTR station and Area 25, the neighbour land which was acquired by Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited on 27 April 2021 at a price of HK$8.614 million with an accommodation value of HK$7,184 per sq. ft., which was 44% higher than market expectation.