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IPMS Meeting 2018 @São Paulo

The annual face-to-face meeting of IPMS (International Property Measurement Standards) Setting Committee was held in São Paulo, Brazil in September this year. It was winter in São Paulo and the weather was so pleasant. However, the 5-day meeting was well packed and there was no time for the committee members to have a city tour during daytime. 

We discussed the market feedback from public consultation for the IPMS – Standards for Retail Buildings as well as harmonisation of the standards among different types of property classes. We had a newly joined member, who brought in new thinking from his professional background, and initiated more debates on areas where the original members might already have some sorts of compromise over various previous meetings and conference calls. The debates were healthy as we all aimed to have the measurement standards to be fair and globally acceptable by the users.

The host of the meeting this year, Mr Anthony Gebhardt, a committee member from Brazil, arranged a venue for the meeting in his office and lead us to have fine dining after the daily meetings. Brazilian BBQ steakhouse, secret Italian food, a restaurant with view to Ibirapuera Park, … were the most enjoyable part of this trip.


2018年巴西聖保羅國際房產測量標準 (“IPMS”) 會議

本年度的國際房產測量標準 (IPMS) 制定委員會於今年九月在巴西聖保羅舉行會議。時逢聖保羅冬季,因此氣溫相當舒適,不過因為五天會議的議程十分緊湊,委員會成員並沒有機會在日間遊覽這個城市。

我們討論了市場對IPMS: 零售物業公開諮詢文件所提出的反饋以及各類物業測量標準的調和化。我們的一名新加入的成員更是以他的專業背景為此會議帶來了全新的思考方向,並啟動了許多委員會在早前的年度會議及電話會已達成妥協/共識的議題的重新討論。這些討論是我們所樂見的,並能讓我們制訂出更公正且被全球使用者接受的測量標準。

本次會議的主持人,Anthony Gebhardt 先生,一位來自巴西的成員,在他的辦公室內安排了此次會議的場地並於會後帶我們前去享用他精心挑選的晚宴。巴西燒烤餐廳,隱秘的義大利菜餐廳,以及能眺望 Ibirapuera公園景色的觀景餐廳等 ...... 都是此次行程中最令人難忘的部分。


2018年巴西圣保罗国际房产测量标准 (“IPMS”) 会议

本年度的国际房产测量标准 (IPMS) 制定委员会于今年九月在巴西圣保罗举行会议。时逢圣保罗冬季,因此气温相当舒适,不过因为五天会议的议程十分紧凑,委员会成员并没有机会在日间游览这个城市。

我们讨论了市场对 IPMS: 零售物业公开咨询文件所提出的反馈以及各类物业测量标准的调和化。我们的一名新加入的成员更是以他的专业背景为此会议带来了全新的思考方向,并启动了许多委员会在早前的年度会议及电话会已达成妥协/共识的议题的重新讨论。这些讨论是我们所乐见的,并能让我们制订出更公正且被全球使用者接受的测量标准。

本次会议的主持人,Anthony Gebhardt 先生,一位来自巴西的成员,在他的办公室内安排了此次会议的场地并于会后带我们前去享用他精心挑选的晚宴。巴西烧烤餐厅,隐秘的意大利菜餐厅,以及能眺望Ibirapuera 公园景色的观景餐厅等…… 都是此次行程中最令人难忘的部分。


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