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A Look at Yeo Hiap Seng's Buying Vitasoy : Comments on Hostile Takeovers

Since October this year, Sino Group(00083) Chairman Robert Ng's brother Philip Ng has continued to increase his shareholding in Vitasoy (00345) through Yeo Hiap Seng and his family office.

According to objective figures, Philip Ng's shareholding in Vitasoy rose from less than 5% in early October to 10.06%, becoming the second largest shareholder of Vitasoy after his latest increase on October 24th. On the other hand, Vitasoy's third-largest shareholder, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, started to reduce its stake as early as April this year, from 18% at that time to 7.82% now. It should be noted that Vitasoy's shareholding is relatively decentralized, with its chairman and his family fund holding about 15.9%, and if we add in the shareholdings of other Lo's descendants, the total shareholding is about 25.9%, so the threshold for a hostile takeover should at least reach 20%.

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Full article in <Hong Kong Economic Times>, written by CHFT Leo Lo.


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