疫情下的SexTech新經濟: Playboy利用SPAC重回資本市場
無疑,性是一個非常龐大的市場,這行業的巨頭「花花公子」Playboy於去年10月宣布,將透過與Mountain Crest合併,以SPAC的方式上市。這交易估值為3.81億美元(29.5億港元)。
現在的Playboy,與其以色情出版定位,倒不如以時尚生活品牌公司形容更為貼切,由Playboy商標衍生的營業額已達10億美元,其令人咋舌的現金流就是來自授權業務(Licensing)。而Playboy上市期間的新動態,就是收購其母公司宣揚sex wellness(性健康)的性用品連鎖公司Lover,作價約為2500萬美元。

Playboy, which was taken private in 2011 by founder Hugh Hefner and private-equity firm Rizvi Traverse, will return to the public markets by merging with Mountain Crest Acquisition Corp., a special acquisition company, or SPAC, set up earlier this year that trades on the Nasdaq exchange.
Since Mr. Hefner’s death in 2017 at age 91, Playboy has moved away from publishing to become more of a brand licensing and commerce business. This was valued as around US$1b as its strong cashflow contribution. Lover, a sex retail shop owned by Playboy's parent company, also will be acquired during the listing.
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Wen Wei Pao :https://bit.ly/3jD1S0e
HKEJ: https://bit.ly/3cZfZM6