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Broader market commentary and insights, research ideas, case studies, and other topics worth discussing
Valuation and new real estate business models
As new operating models emerge, property valuers may need to be mindful of the way real estate is run when making valuations Travel...
Post 2047 Arrangement
就華坊2020年1 月於《信報》發表有關 2047年地契續期的意見,我們資深董事梁沛泓近日亦獲《壹週刊》追訪。梁先生提出近日港大經管學院副教授建議提高住宅物業差餉率,以及民建聯建議港府增加物業增值稅、遺產稅等,以收窄貧富差距等事件。他認為這一連串事件,令社會擔心政府會向物業...
1st Consultation on IPMS: All Building Asset Classes Launched in Dec 2020 for partitioners feedback
IPMS (International Property Measurement Standards) Standard Setting Committee has just launched the 1st consultation globally on the...
The Japanese restaurant chain COLOWIDE, which owns several well-known food and beverage brands in Hong Kong, carried out a hostile merger...
Under the gloom of the epidemic, many industries are undergoing closure, but the medical industry has become more lively. On August 2,...
全球最具價值足球球會誰屬? 評估球會價值時,較為重要的幾個因素包括品牌、球員陣容和賽事轉播權的收入分成。
Forbes have published a list of the world’s 50 most valuable sports teams of 2020, and it may come as a surprise to hear that only seven...
Infrastructure firm NWS Holdings has agreed to sell one of Hong Kong’s largest franchised bus operations – Citybus and New World First...
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